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The judgment shall clearly recite that a declaration of abandonment has been granted and that the manufactured home will be removed from the mobile home park no later than the 30th day after the delivery of the judgment unless an alternate disposition is ordered under subsection . The corporate authority of a municipality may remove and dispose of any abandoned mobile home found within the municipality and may legally enter upon any land to do so. "Municipality" means any city, village, incorporated town, or its duly authorized agent. If an abandoned mobile home is located in an unincorporated area, the county where the mobile home is located shall have all powers granted to a municipality under this Act. The manufactured home resident has defaulted in the payment of rent for a period of more than 60 days. Transportation.

Transportation of an abandoned mobile home over the public streets and highways of this State under this Act shall not require registration plates issued under the Illinois Vehicle Code or a permit certifying payment of the mobile home tax under the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act for the current year. Exemption from liability. An entity that removes, sells, or disposes of a mobile home under the authority of this Act shall not be liable for any damages caused by the removal, sale, or disposal. "Manufactured home owner" means a person who holds title to a manufactured home. As used in this subsection, "diligent inquiry" means sending a notice by certified mail to the last known address.
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"Abandoned mobile home" means a mobile home that has no owner currently residing in the mobile home or authorized tenant of the owner currently residing in the mobile home to the best knowledge of the municipality; has had its electricity, natural gas, sewer, and water payments declared delinquent by the utility companies that are providing such services; and for which the Mobile Home Privilege Tax, imposed under the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act, is delinquent for at least 3 months. Upon the entry of a judgment that a manufactured home has been abandoned, the mobile home park owner or operator shall execute the judgment and cause the removal of the manufactured home from the mobile home park within 30 days after delivery of the judgment. A proceeding to remove an abandoned mobile home may be maintained by the mobile home park owner or operator in the circuit court in the county in which the manufactured home is situated. A proceeding under this Act shall be commenced by filing a complaint naming as defendants all known holders of liens against the manufactured home, manufactured home owners, and manufactured home residents. The complaint shall comply with the requirements of a complaint under the Code of Civil Procedure. The summons shall state that if the defendant fails to answer and establish any defense that he or she may have, then he or she may be precluded from asserting such defense or the claim on which it is based in any other proceeding or action, that a final judgment may be entered if the court finds that the plaintiff has made the requisite showing, and that the result of that final judgment shall be the loss of the manufactured home resident's home.

"Mobile home" does not include a structure that is served by individual utilities and that rests on a permanent foundation with its wheels, tongue, and hitch permanently removed. Legislative intent and policy. The General Assembly finds that abandoned mobile homes are a nuisance because they cause blight and depress property values. Existing laws create unnecessary impediments to their speedy and efficient removal and disposal. This Act is intended to provide local governments with the authority to remove abandoned mobile homes while protecting property rights. The manufactured home has been vacant for a period of not less than 180 days without notice to the mobile home park owner or operator; however, the period shall be 90 days if a judgment of eviction with respect to the manufactured home has been entered.
Illinois Compiled StatutesChapter 210 - HEALTH FACILITIES AND REGULATION210 ILCS 117/ - Abandoned Mobile Home Act.
A mobile home affixed to a foundation and abandoned outside a mobile home park must be treated like other real property for condemnation purposes. Before removing an abandoned mobile home, the municipality shall send written notice as provided in subsection by certified mail, return receipt requested, to each owner and each lienholder who appears on the records of the Secretary of State, and to each owner of record of the land upon which the mobile home is located. The notice shall also be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last person who paid the mobile home privilege tax on the mobile home as shown on the records of the County Treasurer of the county where the mobile home is located. "Abandoned mobile home" means a mobile home located inside a mobile home park that has no owner currently residing in the mobile home or authorized tenant of the owner currently residing in the mobile home to the best knowledge of the municipality; has had its electricity, natural gas, sewer, and water payments declared delinquent by the utility companies that are providing such services; and for which the Mobile Home Privilege Tax, imposed under the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act, is delinquent for at least 3 months. A mobile home abandoned outside a mobile home park must be treated like other real property for condemnation purposes. In lieu of ordering the removal of a manufactured home, the court may, upon good cause shown, provide for an alternate disposition of the manufactured home, including, but not limited to, sale, assignment of title, or destruction.
The words "mobile home" and "manufactured home" are synonymous for the purposes of this Act. The notice to the mobile home park owner or operator shall specify the location of the abandoned mobile home in the park. This amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall not be construed to affect any other authorization or obligation of the corporate authority under this Act.
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At least 10 days before the auction, the municipality shall also send notice of the auction by certified mail to each owner and lien holder who was originally notified by certified mail. Declared that a certain mobile home located at is an abandoned mobile home within the meaning of the Abandoned Mobile Home Act. Salvage and junking certificates. When an applicant for a salvage or junking certificate presents the Secretary of State with proof that the applicant has purchased or acquired a mobile home at a public sale authorized by this Act, and the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the public sale of a vehicle certifies this fact, the Secretary of State shall issue the salvage or junking certificate upon receipt of the properly executed application.

If no bids are received, then the mobile home may be disposed of in any manner authorized by this Act. If the owner, lienholder, or other legally entitled person does not sign for the notice sent to him or her by certified mail, then that person shall be notified by publication as provided in subsection in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality or a newspaper of general circulation in the county if no newspaper exists in the municipality or the county is responsible for the notice. The notice must be published once a week for 3 consecutive weeks. If the Secretary of State has no record of title for the mobile home, and if after diligent search, the name and address of the owner, lienholder or other legally entitled person cannot be ascertained, then the municipality shall publish the notice as provided in subsection in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality once a week for 3 consecutive weeks. When a mobile home is disposed of under this Act, the proceeds of the public sale or disposition, after deduction of all towing, storage, processing charges, and payment in priority order to lienholders, including providers of any utility services, shall be deposited into the municipality's treasury. "Mobile home" means a structure designed for permanent habitation and constructed to permit its transport on wheels, temporarily or permanently attached to its frame, from its place of construction to a location where it is intended to be a permanent habitation.
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Service of the summons and complaint, return of process, and filing of an answer or other responsive pleading shall conform to the requirements of the Code of Civil Procedure and Supreme Court Rules. Transfer of title. If a municipality chooses, it may transfer title and all responsibilities for an abandoned mobile home to its agent for the sole purpose of removal by sale or disposal.

The notice shall also describe the procedure for the manufactured home owner or manufactured home resident to retrieve any household goods or other personal property in the manufactured home before the conclusion of proceedings under this Section. The term shall include units containing parts that may be folded, collapsed, or telescoped when being towed and that may be expected to provide additional cubic capacity, and that are designed to be joined into one integral unit capable of being separated again into the components for repeated towing. The term excludes campers and recreational vehicles.
The salvage or junking certificate issued by the Secretary of State under Section 3‑117.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code shall be free of any lien that existed against the vehicle before the applicant acquired the vehicle. Disposal or auction. If the owners or lien holders of the mobile home fail to restore the electric and water service and to pay all taxes, interest, and penalties within the 30 day period following the effective date of the notice, then the municipality shall obtain title to the mobile home and may remove the mobile home and dispose of it unless the municipality determines that it is worthwhile to attempt to sell it at a public auction.
If notice was mailed, the effective date of the notice shall be the date it was mailed, if notice was published, the effective date shall be the first date the notice appeared in the newspaper.
If this option is utilized, any expenses incurred or profits realized from the legal sale or disposal shall be with the agent. Ultimate responsibility of mobile home owner. If a municipality disposes of or auctions off a mobile home at a financial loss, the person having record title at the time these proceedings began shall be ultimately responsible for all reasonable losses incurred by a municipality. "Manufactured home resident" means a manufactured home owner who rents space in a mobile home park from a mobile home park owner or operator for the purpose of locating his or her manufactured home or a person who rents a manufactured home in a mobile home park from a mobile home park owner or operator.
When a manufactured home is disposed of under this Section through a sale of the manufactured home, the mobile home park owner or operator shall, after payment of all outstanding rent, fees, costs, and expenses to the community, and payment in priority order to lienholders, including providers of any utility services, pay any remaining balance to the title holder of the manufactured home. If the title holder cannot be found through diligent inquiry after 90 days, then the funds shall be forfeited. You are notified that the has declared that a certain mobile home located at is an abandoned mobile home within the meaning of the Abandoned Mobile Home Act. Unless all delinquent mobile home privilege taxes are paid and electric and water service restored to this mobile home within 30 days of the date of this notice, the shall remove and dispose of the mobile home, and it shall be disposed of or sold at public auction free and clear of any existing liens. Notice of the time and place of the auction shall be posted where the auction will take place in a conspicuous place at least 10 days before the auction.
At least 30 days before commencing the proceeding, the mobile home park owner or operator has notified all known holders of liens against the manufactured home, manufactured home owners, and manufactured home residents to the last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall also be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last person who paid the mobile home privilege tax on the mobile home as shown on the records of the county treasurer of the county where the mobile home is located. Before commencing a proceeding under this Act, the mobile home park owner or operator shall cause a search to be done to determine whether there are any lienholders with an existing interest in the manufactured home. The notice shall include a description of the manufactured home and its location, and that proceedings will be initiated by the mobile home park owner or operator under this Section for the removal and disposal of the manufactured home.